The NCNW Eight-State/All-State Strategy is an initiative designed to significantly increase voter turnout, specifically among Black women and young voters, ages 17-24. This strategy focuses on activating and mobilizing our NCNW Members, Sections, Affiliates and Associates across the country to ensure the number of voters will increased since 2020, the last presidential election. The initiative will start out with eight battleground states and will be replicated in all states (33 NCNW states) where there are NCNW Sections.
Purple Power to the Polls
Strategy in Motion
Purple Power Pledge to Vote
I will raise purple power and purple engagement to:
To protect Black women, their families and communities,
To protect our ancestral history and guard attempts to wipe it away,
To elevate bodily autonomy and healthcare access,
To support equal pay and to be treated with dignity, respect and inclusion, and
To elevate democracy, the right to vote and be treated with human kindness.
We will keep moving forward, not back and protect the freedoms to learn, to live and to grow.

For more information about the Eight-State/All-State Strategy, contact
Portia White, pwhite@ncnw.org or Tia Turner, tturner@ncnw.org
in the NCNW Advocacy & Policy Department
Disclaimer: Please confirm your voter status. There have been instances where there have been discrepancies found in individuals voter registration status. In these cases, NCNW encourages you to simply reregister to prevent any voter disenfranchisement
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To stay up to date with how you can take your #purplepowertothepolls, follow us on all our social media platforms. It will take all of use to vote to keep #movingforwardnotback.