


Until the promise of democracy becomes the practice of democracy, NCNW will stand as the vanguard for equity, justice, and fairness.  As the premier African American women led organization, our mission is clear, to lead empower, and advocate for women of African descent, their families, and communities.

Giving to NCNW supports economic justice, voting rights, health equity, and women’s rights.

Doubling The Gift

Increase your impact with an Employer matching gift.

You can double your donation! Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations.   Learn more.

To find out if your company will match gifts to NCNW, please enter your employer’s name below (LINK TO HEPDATA)

If you do not find your employer through this search, please check with your company to see if it would consider matching your gift to NCNW.

If your employer requires an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Federal Tax Identification Number, please use 53-0173054

Mail your completed matching gift form to: Development/Fundraising at NCNW, 633 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004

Gifts In Honor/Memory

With your gift, the National Council of Negro Women can continue to lead in….

A gift in honor or in memory is a thoughtful way to recognize a birthday, special occasion, or someone you love.  A gift in memory is a special way to remember a loved one.

Video Archives

NCNW Influenza Town Hall #4 Don’t Let Flu Get the Better of You

NCNW Influenza Town Hall #3 Don’t Let Flu Get the Better of You

NCNW Influenza Town Hall #2 Don’t Let Flu Get the Better of You

Healing Our Children:
Mental & Emotional Health

Healing Our Children:
Mental & Physical Health: Beyond the Mask

Healing Our Children:
Health Disparities in Maternal and Infant Mortality